What does "Velona" mean?

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It means “living” and “alive” in Malagasy. There is growing scientific evidence and literature surrounding the importance and strength of words. The words we choose for ourselves and the words applied to us (and our bodies) by health care professionals, can impact rehab potential, so it is important that we choose language that will apply a positive influence to the outcomes and goals we wish to achieve.

Going back to “Velona”… At quick glance, “living” and “alive” may look like synonyms, however, someone/something can be physically alive without feeling like they are living. In our clinic, we strive to help patients with their pains AND return you to your most favourite activities… the ones that make you feel alive and that make life worth living.

Questions or comments? Please drop them below, message through social media, or email drmimee@velonahealth.com. Looking forward to connecting with you!

If you don't live in the area and need help to pick out a local PT please let me know that too, or visit apta.org/findapt. Always happy to talk shop and geek out about the body.

Wishing you health and happiness.


Dr. CJ Mimee, PT, DPT, RYT

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