Why do my muscles feel SO tight?? And, what to do about it.

This is a question we get a lot. Almost every day, in fact. And, it’s an excellent question! There are all these ideas floating around the internet on how to address tight muscles, but if we don’t know why they are tight in the first place, how can we loosen them for longer than just quick, temporary relief?

For a while, and a little bit still, there were and are these camps of people that promote stretching… all the things. That the world’s problems center around the fact that we don’t stretch enough.

Then came the pile of people who resisted all the stretching principles. They believed (and still do) that we should NOT stretch anything, that we should strengthen… all the things.

The reality is that we need both. Are you surprised?

So, flexibility in general is a “use it or lose it” situation. If we’re not using a specific range of motion or movement, there is no reason for the muscles and joints to maintain that flexibility. No incentive, but also reduced ability to maintain it. The other side of the argument is also somewhat valid, in that, if we ask our muscles to do more than they are currently capable of doing, their last resort is to tighten up.

It would be irresponsible to consider that these are the only two factors, so let’s complicate it a little more! Reduced water intake can contribute to stiffness and tightness. Muscles working over-time for their lazy muscle-neighbours can be stretched and strengthened until the cows come home, but they’ll always go back to their stiffness/tightness until the root of the issue is uncovered and addressed. Stress is also a huge component of muscle and joint tightness! As good as we think we are at managing stress, stress will sit in the body and become stiffness.

Stress will sit in the body and become stiffness.

Duplicating that statement wasn’t a typo. It’s surreal to think that something as seemingly intangible as stress can have a very real, physical effect on the body.

So, try a combination of all these things and let us know how it goes! As always we are here for free evaluations, in person or online.

Here is a bulleted list, if it’s helpful:

  • Stretch

  • Strengthen

  • Water

  • Muscle compensation (which may be easier to get professional help for)

  • Stress management

Wishing you health and happiness.


Dr. CJ Mimee, PT, DPT, RYT

It always returns to BALANCE.

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